Turning sixteen was always for other people. But I suppose so was love. Author : Wibke Brueggemann Published : 25th February 2021 Publisher : Macmillan Children's Books We all remember being teenagers. Maybe some of you still are. So we can all relate to the embarrassing situations, emotions and achievements from that age. That’s why Wibke Brueggemann’s debut novel Love is for Losers is such a hilarious and heartwarming masterpiece. Written in the accessible and personal diary format, the story takes us through seven months of protagonist Phoebe’s life as a secondary school student preparing to take her GCSE exams. It’s filled to the brim with friend drama, designer cats, love, loss and everything in between; a raw, funny and oh-so-accurate insight into what being 15/16 is all about. From the outset, Love is for Losers doesn’t scream ‘I’m an LGBT+ novel’. But that’s exactly what it is, and by weaving Phoebe’s ups and downs while she tries to figure out what her feelings towards c...